The Computer Shop of Calgary

[Image:OpenBSD Daemon]

Founded in 1976, and still operating today, we are the world's oldest continuing retail computer store.
However, since April 2002, we are mainly virtual, and often available only by phone, mail or email. Our warehouse is in Milk River, Alberta. Developers, ethical hackers and other visitors are welcome. Phone first if possible. The office is kind of crowded, but there is a coffee shop around the corner where we can trade news, views and good stories.

- OpenBSD Web Sales and Donations


- Amiga & Commodore 64

- Seismic Data Processing

Most of our old stock is still awaiting reorganizing -- maybe someday we will get it all posted here, but meanwhile, for a fantastic selection of recycled computer gear in Calgary and other Canadian locations, let us recommend:

GreenComputers from ERA

The Computer Shop of Calgary Ltd.

Canadian mailing address:
Box 267
Milk River, Alberta
Canada, T0K 1M0

US mailing address:
Box 28
Sweet Grass, Montana
USA 59484
Milk River office: +1 403 647-2200

Street address:
104 1st Avenue NW
Milk River, Alberta


More contact info

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