OpenBSD: Free, Functional, Secure!
The Computer Shop of Calgary LTD assisted the OpenBSD project to support leading edge secure operating system development, by distributing OpenBSD CDROM sets since they first started being made available in the mid-90's. We also distributed T-shirts, posters, books and other items to support the OpenBSD community and to earn revenue to support the project. Lots of classic items are still in stock, but slowly disappearing. If you have a yen for some of the classic older T-shirts mostly design by artist Ty Semaka, do check our old site. [Ignore the non-https warnings, or complaints about a self-signed certificate -- it's little changed from when that wasn't an issue.].
CShopC: Computer Shop of Calgary Order Page
Also see some more discussion further down this page.
As of mid 2014 this task was mainly turned over to: OpenBSD store UK which had a fair amount of stock left over from that time up until January 2020, when the next change of central distribution occurred. Wonder if they still have any left.
From 2020 on, newer items begin appearing, as the latest incarnation of the OpenBSD goodies outlet ramps up. Part of the proceeds go to support the OpenBSD Project. See:
However, for a while still, do remember, that most of the the classic early items still continue to be available from Computer Shop. And they help us recover a bit of loss from over stocking during the almost 20 years when virtually all the profits from OpenBSD related sales went to the project itself. Your favorite T-shirt size could run out at any time. So don't hesitate. The website is careful to show the sizes still available. We think that the artwork which shows on so many of them is unmatched any time since. If the size you want shows on the website that means that there is still one of them left.
CShopC: Computer Shop of Calgary Order Page
Payment methods: Credit Card, PayPal, Euro Bank (SEPA) transfers, Bitcoin, etc.
Donations are an important source of support for OpenBSD, and are now
entirely separate from Computer Shop's web sales. Donate directly:
OpenBSD Donations
For more information about OpenBSD see the OpenBSD website:
The Computer Shop of Calgary Ltd. 104 1st Avenue N.W. Milk River, Alberta Canada, T0K 1M0 Ph: +1 403 647-2200Net:![]()