Computer Shop & OpenBSD -- Bank Transfer Information

Currency Conversion Rates

Where payments need to be made in different currencies we recommend using the rates published by the bank of Canada on their website:

Bank of Canada -- 10 Year Converter


Within the Euro zone bank transfers are very inexpensive or free. We recommend this payment method above all other methods.


  1. Do not transfer Canadian or US funds into Euro accounts, even if your invoice is in Canadian or US Funds; just look up, say at, the current rate, or ask your bank for the current selling rate for that much Canadian currency, and transfer the amount in Euros that it would cost, WITHOUT exchanging the Euros into US or Canadian.
    If you already have Canadian or US funds to spend, contact us first for instructions. Once transfer is done always email or to let us know when, and how much to expect. And most of all WHICH BANK the funds were sent too! Thanks!
  2. The Swift BIC number is sometimes needed in addition to the IBAN number, and may be either 8 characters long or 11 characters long. When sending funds, some originating banks always want to see the 11 character version. The additional 3 characters are for the branch or subservice within the destination bank. When the destination bank doesn't require or supply the extra 3 characters one can always add the letters XXX to the end of the 8 character version to fill in the extra characters.
  3. If one of our banks is in your country you may prefer to initiate a "domestic" transfer. Contact us for further information if the method is not obvious at your bank. Also, if you have an account at the same bank as we do, you may only need our account number, which is encoded within the IBAN number, but you can ask us for it if you need help. Or you can search out one of the many websites that explain how to decode IBAN numbers. Domestic and intra-bank transfers may have a lower or zero fee. However, often the full SEPA/Swift/BIC/IBAN system is already zero or very low fee anyway. Disclosure: it is our understanding that all transactions over the Swift system are reported to the British and US governments, under agreements with the Euro authorties.

Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt-Flughafen
IBAN #: DE66 500 700 24 0 2005395 00
Swift/BIC#: DEUTDEDBFRA (11 character version)
Make transfers payable to: Austin Hook
Please email after transfer has been completed to tell us which bank your deposit was sent to.

Barclays Bank
IBAN #: FR76 2459 9614 0046 3520 4010 138
Swift/BIC#: PRIVFRPP (8 characters) or PRIVFRPPXXX (11 characters)
Make transfers payable to: Austin Hook
Please email after transfer has been completed to tell us which bank your deposit was sent to.

Bank of Ireland, SWORDS CO DUBLIN
IBAN #: IE62 BOFI 9007 0376 1242 10
Swift/BIC#: BOFIIE2D (8 characters) or BOFIIE2DXXX (11 characters)
Make transfers payable to Computer Shop of Calgary LTD
Please email after transfer has been completed to tell us which bank your deposit was sent to.

For UK -- British Pounds -- GBP

British Pounds

Please email after transfer has been completed.


Our online order systems supports SSL secured credit card payments. See: OpenBSD Order Page

We also accept PayPal payments to: preferably in US dollars.
Unless you already are a Canadian resident, please take Canadian invoices as if at par with US dollars. The slight difference in exchange rates helps cover the fairly expensive PayPal transaction costs on our side (aka the PayPal tax), and if you have US funds to start with, that also partly offsets PayPay fees to your account rather than making the payment to a different currency.


We can invoice you in BitCoin. The invoice will give you a link to make the payment. Mention it in the comments of your order, after selecting "pre-arranged".
Disclosure: BitCoin, by it's very nature, its mutual trust model, exposes all transactions publicly. However, it is very efficient and avoids supporting the large banking institutions and their endless fees that we all love, not! Hence, using Bitcoin means less institutional "tax" on the OpenBSD project, although it is a larger volitility risk for us. Still we like to support it.

Please contact for transfer instructions for other currencies not mentioned above.